Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rest can do a Body good!!

It is amazing what a little rest
can do for your body!!
If you are anything like me,
you might get scared that backing
down every now and then from your workouts
will set you back.
Well, reality is that if your body is tired,
you MUST back down to progress!!
At the advice of my Trainer/Coach BJ
at Full Throttle Athletics
I have backed down the last couple weeks,
and feel stronger then before!
I had alot of anxiety backing down.
I felt like I was failing because
I felt like my body was failing me!
I am big on keeping my commitments.
Working out, progressing, being healthy and strong,
are all commitments that I not only made to myself
but also commitments that I made to BJ and Kori.
So, for me to feel as though I was not keeping
up with those commitments as
"strong" as before was VERY stressful for me!
Thanks to great coaching by BJ,
my way of thinking has changed!!
There is less anxiety because
this week I felt great in the gym.
Stronger, and ready to get back to business!!
Now, I didn't COMPLETELY stop my
workouts. I just backed down from 5 days to
2-3 days.
About another week and I will be ready for
my 4-5 days again!! :)
So, my advice is to ALWAYS listen to your BODY!!
If you are all of a sudden struggling in your workouts,
feeling more tired then usual, take care of yourself!!
Get some rest and eat well.
Your body and mind will Thank You! :)
Mine certainly did!!
So I found this little quote I thought was pretty cool!
It really signifies what the whole Full Throttle
community is about!! :)
"The lion in the jungle makes every other animal sit up and take notice as soon as he lets out a roar. He didn't get that way through artificial paraphernalia or through springs and wires and trick dumbells. He became the king of the jungle through constant natural use of every muscle in his body."~ Charles Atlas
For those of you who haven't had a chance to check it out,
I attached my Testimonial Video!! :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I lifted HOW MUCH???!!!!

So, this week I have really just been
focusing on my strength training
and resting.
Tuesday and Thursday
Deadlifts, Squats, overhead presses, Pull Ups
and took the other days off.
My body is acting up a bit this week
so BJ felt it was best to rest and recover!
From working with BJ over the past 3 1/2
months, I know that I can really trust him
to do what is best for my health and fitness.
If he says back off, I shall obey! :)
I have, however, had one of the most
EXCITING weeks since starting at Full Throttle Athletics!!!
As you know, I am training for my first
tactical strength challenge at the end
of September.
One of the areas of competition is the Deadlift.
My goal by then is to be able to lift atleast 225lbs.
So today, BJ let me max out to see where I stand.
Our guess was about 165-170!
The great thing was that BJ did not tell
me what I was lifting until it was over.
He just kept adding, and adding, and adding!!
I hit 195, and just couldn't get it up!!
So we backed down to 185, and that is my
current MAX!!!
Up until today,the heaviest I have Deadlifted
was 135 lbs!!
Who would have thought that lifting
heavy things off the groung
could make one sooo HAPPY!! :)
I am having a blast in my training
at Full Throttle!!
I will leave you with this quote that I came
accross that I LOVE!!!!!!
"If you don't focus on your ass, no one else will!"
So get your booty in the gym!! :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I think I can, I think I can!! :)

I am back on track and feeling strong!
If you recall in my last post,
I am not only training at Full Throttle,
but I am also learning to train someday!! :)
Both are going great!
I have helped out at two classes,
and really enjoy being on the other side!
No, not only because I get to watch others
in suffering pain as they struggle
through a Full Throttle workout!! :)
Geese!! :)
Training is going AWESOME!!
I feel my body getting stronger!
Monday's training was as follows:
15 Min. Turkish Getups with the Kettlebell
then 5 rounds of
10 pull ups
20 Kettlebell swings
30 jump squats
I think this was the first workout EVER
that I thought I was going to puke!
It looked deceivingly easier then it would turn out to be!!
Then today was my strength workout.
It was my lighter day, so I did
Deadlifts - 6 sets of 2 reps each at 115lbs
Umm, these other things where I put the 45lb bar
on my shoulders, bend at the hips with a straight back
until I felt it pulling on the hamstrings, then stand back up.
(I really need to learn the names of these things!!)
I did 5 sets of 5
Then I did an overhead press with the 45lb bar
3 sets of three, although on my last set I did 6 instead!! :)
Then rolled out all of the lovely knots with the foam roller!! :)
Like I said, an easy day!! :)
Still loving every minute of it!!
I am hoping in a couple weeks that my trainer,
BJ, will let me see where my current max is at.
My goal for Competition is 215lb deadlift!
Seems a little scary!!
I posted some video of Kori and I doing squats last Thursday
before I helped out with the 7pm class!!
For those of you who don't know me,
I am in the Black Shorts and Pink Top and
Kori is in the GreyShirt Blue Shorts.
6am tomorrow morning!!
Grrrr.. I am SOOOO not a morning person!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Full Throttle, 2 days in a row.... THANK GOD!! :)

Last night was a blast at Full Throttle!!
I got in my strength training at 5:30.
Deadlifts, Squats, Pullups,
Then "helped" BJ and Kori with the 7pm class!!
Strength training went great!!
I could tell in I had been out of the Gym
for a couple days though!
That's all right!!
It will all come back fast! :)
I was a little nervous about helping out with the
7pm class, but it was alot of fun,
and I learned alot!
Kelly, my husband, was there so I got
to razz him a little! :)
I noticed how much more
I am learning about my own workouts
my observing others!! :)
This mornings workout was Kick A**!! :)
We did 10 push ups
20 squats
10 Kettlebell pull up swing things (forgot what they are called!!)
then ran to the road and back. Like a 60 second run
We did this as many times as possible on
20 minutes!
Got Six rounds and a couple extra pushups in!
My biggest excitement today was that
I walked away with a personal best!
60 Push Ups, from my TOES
All the way down, all the way up!! :)
This is pretty awesome for me
because when I started I think I could do like 5!!! :)
So glad to be back after a few days off with
I didn't realize just how much I missed
my workouts, buddies, trainers, and the whole
Full Throttle atmosphere until today! :)
Hope to have some new video soon!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's been a while!! :)

Yes, I know it has been a while!!
My youngest had his tonsils out,
and holy life halt!!
It seemed like my life
was turned upside down!! :)
Hoping we are on our way to better days,
and a healthier little boy!
So, along with getting back on track with my workouts,
I am SOOOO EXCITED that I start
Training to Train tonight!!
My trainer, BJ, is going to begin training
me to take over some classes in the near future at
Full Throttle Athletics , when I am ready!
It's funny because when I began working out
with BJ a few months ago,
I had NO idea that I would fall so much in
love with my workouts that I would want
to start training others as well!!
I really think that this is something I can
see myself doing full time someday!
If that worked out!
I would obviously have to be good at it,
and BJ and Kori would have to agree! :)
It is so great to know that I could help others
achieve their goals!!
What an amazing thing!
So, wish me luck tonight as I head into
my first training class!!
I will actually be there with BJ
helping through the 7pm class!
If you have thought about coming out to
Full Throttlebefore, but weren't sure,
this is just ANOTHER reason why you should!!
I could be there kickin your ass into gear!! :)
You would have a friendly face to help you out! :)
Hope you all atleast come check it out someday!
You will be SOOOOO GLAD that you did!!
I will also post on my blogs what days I will be there
helping to train if you want to stop by
and try it out!! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Workout=Fun. Who Knew??!!

So, I am about 3 weeks into my training for the
Strength Challenge in September!
I have to tell you that I am having a BLAST!! :)
I know, I may be one of those crazy people,
but I really look forward to my workouts.
I feel stronger each time, and feel like
I finally found my "hobby"!! :)
I have always walked away from working out and
felt better and happier, but
I actually get excited to go workout!!
You tell me!!
I wish I could drag every person I know
with me for a couple weeks of working out
at Full Throttle Athletics.
I can't think of a single person I know that
would not love and welcome the challenge!!
EVERYDAY is something new, so they keep you
This week has been a great workout week for me!
Started with Warm ups and Light weight Dead Lifts
10 Pull Ups
20 Box Jumps
30 Lunges
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Sit Ups
Then reverse back to the Pull Ups. You do this as fast as you can!
Strength with Deadlifts (5 sets of 5 at 115lbs)
Weighted Squats (5 sets of 3 at 75lbs)
Revers Pull ups
Warm Ups (Jump Rope)
Light Weight Deadlifts
Then the following 4 times through as fast as possible
10 Pull Ups
10 Squats
10 Burpees (I HATE THESE!!!!)
Thursday - Strength
Deadlifts 115lbs 6 sets of 2
weighted Squats up to 115lbs!!!
YES, 115 LBS!!! AWESOME!! :)
Then Reverse Pullups - OUCH
Tomorrow I get to workout with my husband Kelly!! Can't wait! :)
Here is some video of my workouts this week!!
Enjoy, and hope you all come out and join me SOON! :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Whoever said it was easy, wasn't working hard enough!! :)

What a week!!
Now that the pageant preparation is behind me,
I am preparing for a National Tactical Strength Challenge
that will be held the end of September at Full Throttle Athletics!
It is pretty cool because people
from all across the US are competing the same day.
Then at the end of the day, all of the results
are logged into the system and you
can see how you rank!
There are three areas of the competition:
Dead lifts
Pull Ups (palms over, not under/Full dead hang up to your chest)
Kettlebell Snatches
BJ and I came up with the following goals for myself for this competition:
Dead lifts - At least 225lbs
Pull Ups - 5
Kettlebell Snatches - 100 in 5 minutes
So, my training for this began this week.
I do my 3 days of Strength/Bootcamp
and 2 days strength training.
My two days of camp KICKED my ass!
I am sore today like it was the first time
I had worked out or something!! :)
Tuesday it was
10 Pull Ups
15 Kettlebell Squats
20 pushups
You do this 5 times through.
I was only able to knockout 15 of the 100 pushups on my toes! :(
The rest were from my knees.
We'll get there!! :)
Wednesday's camp was
10 Pull Ups
20 Squats
30 one handed Kettlebell swings
400 Meter Run
You do this as many times through in 30 minutes!
HOLY CRAP is all I can say about that!
I got 6 1/2 done.
On my last set of pull ups I ripped open
a callous on my hand. OUCH!! :)
I have been working on my Dead lifts and Squats on my strength days!
All is going well I think! :)
I hope to have some video soon of some of my Dead lifts!
I will post once it is up!!
By the way, ANYONE can come out for the Strength Challenge!!
It is a lot of fun! You just come out and give it a shot!
If you are interested, let me know and I can give you more info!
I went to one a few weeks ago at Full Throttle. I did not compete
just because I wasn't sure what to expect.
But truly ANYONE can compete!
Whether you Dead lift 60lbs or 600lbs!!
You may surprise yourself!!!
I will update one more time before the weekend!
Wish me luck in the AM!! My upper body is fried! :)
Remember, you could always come out and
join me!! Why not??? You get two weeks free to
see what you think BEFORE you have to make a commitment!!
Your not SCARED are ya!!??!!??!!?? :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

One Journey comes to an end, and I take my first step onto the next!

Be prepared.... I get a little personal here!
And yes, it is long!! :)
So, the Mrs. Texas USA 2009 pageant was two weeks ago!
I had SUCH a great time!
I have to start by telling you that all of that sweat and tears
No, I did not win the Mrs. Texas USA Crown,
but for me it was something bigger!
I won 1st place in the Swimsuit competition!
I know that at first blush,
this sounds very superficial.
Let me tell you why it is not!!
Since I was a little girl,
I have battled with body image issues.
I know that we all have them to some
degree, but this manifested into
so much more!
I struggled with an eating disorder all through
my high school years.
My saving grace??!!
When I found out I was pregnant with my
first beautiful little boy, I knew that
I had to give up my damaging Bulimic
lifestyle, and provide the nutrients
this little angel deserved.
So, to make an incredible LONG story
just a little shorter, I gained
100 LBS in 8 months!!!!!!
That is about 13 lbs a month!
My body went into shock from
keeping the food in my stomach.
SOOOO, along with all the imaginable
issues of gaining 100lbs, I had
stretch marks EVERYWHERE!! :(
My skin stretched, and just never was the same.
I NEVER went back to the Bulimia, but still
struggled with my body and loosing the weight.
For ANYONE out there that has recovered from an eating
disorder, I can not tell you enough what a struggle it
was to not revert to my old ways.
Already having body image issues, adding
another 100lbs doesn't help!!
So, after about 4 years I got the weight off.
Never really worked out, just didn't eat a whole lot.
Soooo, along came pregnancy #2!
I gained 60lbs with this one.
Once again, there I was VERY unhappy
with what had happened to my body.
My skin was a mess. Going from small to LARGE,
to small to Large again was not all that great for me!
After I had Brody, I realized that I was going to have to work out
to get this off.
Well, tried that and was FAILING miserably!!
I was dieting, exercising, and not loosing
a single pound!
After about 3 months of this I went to the doctor.
I knew that I had several health side effects
from my eating disorder, but a new one seems
to pop up all the time.
This time I found out that because of all the strain
I put on my body over the years, my Thyroid
had literally burnt out! It was no more!!
I began medication, and wow what a difference!!
Over the next couple years, I really got into going to the
I loved Spin classes, got used to running, and started
some strength training!!
All was going ok, until I realized that I had stopped making
any progress!
I wasn't really seeing any more results!
Well, that is when I came across FULL THROTTLE ATHLETICS!
I was getting ready for this pageant, and new that in order
to even be in any sort shape to compete against these girls,
I needed some serious help!
I knew from my first email from BJ, the owner of
Full Throttle Athletics, he was the trainer for me!
He was very direct, and funny about it!
So, here I am 10 weeks later!
In the best shape of my life,
and dedicated to my overall health.
Taking home this Swimsuit award was
such an emotional thing for me.
I remember that Saturday morning
before the swimsuit competition standing there
looking at these beautiful women in their
two piece bathing suits.
Some of them have NEVER had
any Children before.
I remember thinking, Jennifer,
You have worked YOUR ASS off!
Just get out there any work it!! :)
When they called my name as the
Swimsuit winner, I was a bit in shock.
You mean to tell me that these 7
Judges that not only saw me in a
two piece swimsuit standing next to
these amazing women, but that also
had to watch me WALK in heels in this
two piece swimsuit thought
I looked the best????
I walked away from this experience
feeling beautiful, strong, and for the first
time EVER, I felt
IN CONTROL of who I am.
I realized that I can feel and look
like whatever it is that I want.
Yes, I will always have stretch marks.
Yes, I will always have skin that is not as
tight as I wish it was.
But I am getting to be ok with that!
I have finally realized that these things
do NOT define me.
We all have our flaws, weather you can see them or not!
I truly believe that GOD urges
us to take certain paths and challenges in life
so that we come across people that forever change our lives.
I remember walking away from Mrs. Texas pageant
2 weeks ago pretty bummed that I had not won the
Mrs. Texas title. And I remember thinking,
there was a reason that GOD put me on this
path. Now figure it out, and move on! :)
So, here are the things that I encountered on this
journey that have forever changed my life!
1, I met one of my very best friends. I could
not imagine my life without her, and feel
as though I have known her forever!
2, I was reminded just how very blessed I am
to have the family that I do. I have such
an amazing support system and and so
thankful for each and everyone of them!
3, I gained a confidence that I NEVER had.
Through the AMAZING support & encouragement
from BJ and Kori, I really got to know what
I was truly capable of. BJ's training helped me
realize the silly excuses that held me back from
having the body I wanted, and taught me to
know my TRUE limits that I was always scared
to push myself to.
They both helped me
realize that the body I thought I wanted, plain, thin,
skinny whatever, was actually NOT the body I wanted at all.
I realized that I want a strong, healthy, toned body.
Not big and buff, but strong!! There is DEFINITELY A DIFFERENCE!! :)

So, this is pretty long, and I will sum it up like this!
This is the only body I will EVER have! It is
ONLY after training at Full Throttle that I now
understand how to look my best.
I will accept my flaws, and ROCK my strengths!!!
BJ and Kori for Everything!!

On to the next journey!! Tactical Strength Challenge in September!!
I will update my blog as I train for this event!!

God Bless, and get your butts to Full Throttle Athletics!!!!
You will NOT be disappointed in the journey!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's GAME TIME!!!!

So, I had my Final pre-competition
work out today!!!!
This is it! I have worked my
A** off, and it's Game Time!
I walked away today knowing that there
is nothing more I could have done!!
It was honestly a little emotional!!
I am proud of where I am, and
owe BJ and Kori at Full Throttle Athletics
more then they can ever know!!
You know, I was thinking back to being
a teenager and having that confidence
in my looks and my ability to take on the world!
I think that as women, wives, and moms, we tend to loose that
along the way.
Not intentionally, we just stop nurturing that
part of who we are!
I feel like not only have I regained that
confidence, I have it back
10 fold!!
Knowing that my health, my strength,
and yes I will say it, my sexiness is in
my hands is empowering!
AND to know that I am a wife, a mom,
a businesswomen, and a community advocate
makes it all that more rewarding!
I DID have to work my BUTT off,
and I had to fit it in where I could,
but I made the choice to do so!
I set my priorities, I set my goals,
and here I am!
I have made myself this one promise today!
I will walk out with my head high,
proud of who I am, proud of the life
I have built for my children,
proud of my marriage,
proud of the support I give
to my community,
proud of my career and where I have come,
and proud of this body!!!!
Yes, I have flaws, but what the hell!!! :)
I have switched gears from striving for
perfection, to striving for a healthy, happy,
balanced, fulfilling life!
What a difference that has made!!
And hey, my husband finds me HOT!!!
What else can I ask for!??!!
So all of you that have lost that
strut your stuff confidence, it's still there!!
I promise! You just need to nurture
it with some butt kicking at Full Throttle Athletics
to help you dig it out and dust it off!!
So, WISH ME LUCK this weekend!!
I will be back to report how things went on Monday!! :)


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's the final countdown!!!! 2 More days!!!

2 More workouts mean
2 more days until I head to Ft. Worth
to compete for Mrs. Texas USA 2009!!!
Holy crap! :)
So, here is where I am!!
My mind, soul, health, and body
is at the BEST place it has EVER been!!!
I absolutely owe it ALL to BJ at Full Throttle Athletics!!!
Because of the knowledge he and Kori have
on how to correctly train your body
they are able to
completely transform you into this
strong and healthy person.
When your body is strong and healthy,
your mind is at it's best, and your soul
is happy and at peace!
Never underestimate the power of taking
care of your body!
It does amazing things for your complete
outlook on life!! It pushes you to continuously
challenge yourself in other aspects of your daily life
and creates an outlook that you can truly accomplish
the goals you set before you!
For those of you who know me,
you know that I have always been into fitness
in one way or the other.
I have always been open to trying new things
in the hopes of finding that thing that just clicked!!
I am thankful that part of my personality is that
of someone who is always open to learning new things,
and putting myself in new situations! Otherwise, I would
still be doing the same, boring, non-effective
workouts that I have been doing for the past two years!
Now, I am not knocking any of the other workouts,
gyms, or training methods! I am sure that they
work for some people! And when I was doing them,
I was at a level of health that I THOUGHT I was
ok with!
For me though, I now know there is a
far higher level of health and strength
that I am on my way to
QUICKLY achieving!!!
I know that I am always saying,
"You have to try Full Throttle Athletics",
and you probably think I am a walking
advertisement, but the HONEST truth
is that this is the first thing that has truly
EXCITED me in the workout world!!!
I know that so many of you work your
butts of in the gym like I used too!!
All I am saying is if you could get DOUBLE
the results in HALF the time,
You can go to the Full Throttle Athletics web site
and download a 2 WEEK FREE PASS!!!
So, you can even try it out to see what you
think before making any long term commitment!!
Go on......... I DARE YOU!!!! :)
Here are a couple videos of the 6am
bootcamp that they run! Enjoy!! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4 more workouts and getting sick! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

You know, I always say that lives challenges
are what make us better people! :)
Not that this is a huge ordeal,
but getting sick this week just wasn't in the plan! :)
It's funny, because I feel like all of my
thoughts on life and balancing it are
being tested!! :)
I understand that things don't go as planned,
and that we can never perfect our situation.
We have to adapt and make it work to our advantage!
In hindsight, I should have done more of the
preparation for the pageant instead of thinking
I could get it done this week!!
See, I am already learning
and growing from this!! :)
(positive thinking Jen, positive thinking! :) )
Enough venting!!! :) Let's talk about my workouts this week!:)
So, yesterday I overslept and missed my 6am class!
Boy, did that create chaos in my perfectly planned
schedule for the week! :)
BJ at Full Throttle Athletics was so sweet
to let me come at 5:30pm, WITH BRODY!! :)
Oh Boy!!
So, Brody had a great time!!
Pulling everything off the racks, jumping on the boxes,
playing with the Kettlebells.......
I can tell you that is was NOT easy to concentrate! :)
He ended up pinching his fingers on between the concrete and the bells.
The screaming started, and my workout halted!!!
On top of the Brody interference, my chest was burning,
and I was having a hard time catching my breath!
Which I now know is because I am SICK!!!!
This is supposed to be my SUPER KICK BUTT week!
So, keep your fingers crossed!!! I will get through it,
I will readjust accordingly, and make it work to my advantage!!
Can I get an AMEN!!??!!?? :) J/K
4 more days till competition time!!!! WoooHoooo!!! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

BIG CLOTHES - A double edge sword!!!

Have you ever had this happen???
About 12 weeks ago, I realized that
I needed some dress clothes!
I have the luxury of dressing VERY CASUAL
at work, so don't need them that often!
But, needed them from time to time
for meetings.
So, bought my dress clothes....
I was proud that all the pants were a 2 or a 4,
and hung them in my closet until I needed them.
WELL...... Today I needed them.
I laid out my clothes last night for today.
Got up, got ready, then went to get dressed!
I put the shirt on..... so far so good,
then went to put the belt on around my
waist for that slimming, trendy look.
The belt fell down!
I literally messed with it for about 5 minutes
thinking that I must be doing something wrong.
I have worn this belt several times.
Then I realized.... my BODY IS SMALLER.
So then, I put on my dress shorts, size 4.
So, I tuck the shirt into the shorts, put another belt
around my waist, and decided this would have to do.
The whole way to work, I was sooooooooo
upset that all of these new clothes were too big!!!
Then it dawned on me,
they are not TOO BIG.............
I am just AWESOMELY SMALL!!!! (not sure if awesomely is a word!!)
So yes, I will have to take all of these
clothes in to get them taken in,
and yes that kind of sucks!
But the fact that they must be altered because
I have COMPLETELY transformed myself
into a leaner, stronger, healthier person
You have got to try the Boot Camp at
Full Throttle Athletics!!!
Your clothes might all fall off,
but you'll look hot this summer swimsuit season!!!
Here is a video of me doing a Kettlebell swing!!
AWESOME for your BUTT!!! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

OMG.. Only 9 workouts left!!!

So, Only 9 workouts left till competition!!



while the other part wants

8 more weeks!!! :)

I think at this point, I have to

be proud of what I have done,

get on that stage and OWN IT!!!

I know that in two weeks, I

can still make some big changes in

my body, but

I also think I am just going to have

to accept some of my flaws!! :)

I was looking at some video from my first day

at Full Throttle Athletics ,

and where I am today and was just BLOWN AWAY!!

The transformation has been amazing!

I have always worked out, so am still

in AWWEE over what BJ has done in just 6 weeks!!!

AMAZING!!! I am so thankful for the

work and encouragement I get from BJ and Kori!!

I always thought that a trainer had to yell

at you and be mean to get you to push harder!!

NOT TRUE!!! BJ does not by any means let

me sell myself short, but he does it in an

encouraging, self motivating way!!

He gets in my head to make ME push myself to the limits! :)

Well, I am getting ready to head to the gym.

A little nervous today since it's Monday!!

Need to get a butt kicking workout in today! :)

Check out this video from last week!! :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Boot Camp Happy Hour Rocked!!!

So, last night we had a Boot Camp Happy Hour
at Full Throttle Athletics!!!
It was the first time that I had
worked out in a Group setting
since hooking up with BJ and Kori.
It is a lot of fun to be in that setting with
a bunch of friends!!
A little competition is good for you! :)
We did a full Boot Camp workout,
followed by some sled dragging!
(My idea on the sleds!!!) Had to make sure
they all had the complete
Full Throttle Experience!!
I did not want them to feel cheated in any way!! :)
It seems like everyone totally loved it!!
Lots of sweat!! We all walked away
KNOWING we worked out A** off!!
BJ is working on some film footage,
and I will post as soon as it is available!
In the meantime, are you up for the
Full Throttle Challenge??!!??!!
I totally encourage ANYONE that is looking
to get in shape, or get in better shape to
give it a shot!!
By the way... only 11 more workouts till
competition time!!!
My oh my how time flies!!! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

3 weeks and counting!!!

As of today, I have 3 weeks,
and 13 more workouts until COMPETITION TIME!!!
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!
It doesn't sound like alot of time,
but when I think about it,
it is!
I see what I have accomplished in 5 weeks
since meeting BJ at
Full Throttle Athletics for the first time.
STRENGTH is all I can think of!
It is really time to fine tune
Kelly and I went to a national Strength Competition
that was held at Full Throttle Athletics on Saturday!
Just to observe, this time!! :)
It was pretty cool to see the strength!
Next one is in September, and I AM THERE!!!
Kelly started today at the 9am bootcamp,
and LOVES it!!
I am having a Ladies only Boot Camp Happy Hour
tomorrow at 7pm. It should be alot of fun!!
I can not wait to give my girlfriends a taste of
My guess is that they will be hooked after tomorrow night!!
I'll post on that Wednesday, along with some pics and video!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009


BJ at Full Throttle took my measurements today!!!!!
In just over a WEEK, here is how many
inches are GONE!!
1 Inch on my waist
1 Inch off EACH Thigh
1 Inch off EACH calf
And are you ready for this???????!!!!!!!
I was like REALLY???
Amazing what can be done if you set your
mind and body to it!! :)
Just a week!!! Wow!!
My eating went really well!
I will be honest and say that I
almost tackled a lady eating bread the other day!!! :)
Not really, but you know what I mean!
It isn't that I don't get enough food,
because I certainly do! I am just
supposed to eat like a caveman!! :)
Funny huh?? It works and is easy!
Berries, Greens, and Meats/Protein, and some dairy.
The easiest way to think about it is,
if a caveman would have been able to pick it
or kill it, I can eat it!!
I get two meals this weekend that I can enjoy!
Now I have to REALLY think about what it will be!
My body worked hard this week, and I am looking forward
to my two days of recovery!!
I have my Mock Interviews tomorrow!
This will help to see where I am in that
area of competition!! Wish me well!!
See ya next week with more video!
Hopefully you will still be able to see me
as fast as I am SHRINKING!!! :)
By the way.... feel free to check out
You will LOVE IT, and you

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I am tired!!!!

So, today is Thursday and I am beat!
I have done a great job this week
staying away from the grains,
but my body just feels spent!
Tuesday's workout
It was the best workout yet.
Mostly because right when I thought
I was going to DIE,
it was OVER!!! :)
Wednesday, was more strength
training, and watch out because
this chick is getting strong!! :)
Today was my cardio session
with ring pulls, push ups, and squats.
I will have you know that I did 120 push ups
today and 180 squats!
It was the first time that I can
EVER remember my arms feeling like
they were going to just bust off of my body!
HOLY CRAP!! Sweat flying everywhere!
It's amazing what we are capable of!!!
So, I had to post this work out of Kelly and I.
This was from Monday, last week!
I was so proud of him for showing up with me
at 5:30 am on the first day of our vacation to try
Full Throttle Athletics out. He loved it.
Maybe not at that moment, but after
he was hooked!!!
Chat more tomorrow!! I weigh in tomorrow and get
measurements, so I'll let you know how that goes!
I tell ya, 5 days, no grains, THERE

Monday, March 23, 2009

Back to the Grind!

So, it's Monday and I am back from vacation!!
I did not take any time off of my workouts,
just did not eat as well as I should have!
I hit the grocery store yesterday, and
am ready for the next 5 weeks!
Time is flying, and there is no
time for excuses!!
Today's workout ROCKED!!!
Went up in weight with my extensions,
but down in reps.
It is the best feeling to know you are
getting STRONGER!!
Did some one handed and two handed
swings, and squats with the kettlebell.
I am guessing for a sore backside
in the AM!! :)
Here is a video of a recent workout.
This was from one of my cardio days! :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

On to the next level!

So, this week was tough. 
Being off on vacation,
working out,
doing LOTS of yard work,
I am beat!!! )
I missed Friday's workout because I was sick.
Of course I was tempted to take a 3 day weekend,
but my mind would not let me! 
So, I showed up at 7am on Saturday 
morning to see what BJ had in store for me!
I walked in feeling like CRAP!!! 
A little worried about how I would perform!
Well, thankfully BJ did not take it
easy on me, and I kicked a**!!! 
Yes, I am gloating!! 
I am so much stronger then just three weeks ago.
I started with 1,2,3 reps of presses/pull ups three times. 
BJ at Full Throttle Athletics had to help me with my
 third set on my left side to just get my arm extended!!! 
today I did 1,2,3,4,5 press/pull ups 5 times through
WITH NO HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I am a self proclaimed ROCK STAR!!! :)
Such an AWESOME feeling! :)
And, although still do not feel
great, I feel much better
then had I stayed in bed today!! 
So, when I say on to the next level,
I mean that I have gotten into the groove
of my workouts, and I know it is crucial
to get on board with my eating.
I have 5 weeks, and I know I can do it!
No grains, no fat, no sugar, and 
no alcohol.
Yes, I said it,
I have to! I owe it to myself,
and more importantly I owe it 
to BJ and Full Throttle for all of the time
and amazing support he has offered me! 
I think I had to take this a phase at a time.
Not sure if that makes sense,
but I know what I mean! :)
So, this is pretty long, so I will say
bye for now!! I will post some new video soon!! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No Vacation from the Workout!! :)

So, it's been a couple days because I have been off work with the family!!
I have not been off the WORKOUTS!! :)
I drug my hubby with me on Monday morning at 5:30am!
Hehehehehe!!! :)
I was sooo excited for him to see what
I have been doing, AND
to get a taste of my world! :)
He did great and LOVED IT!!!
It TOTALLY kicked his butt!
He loved that he could get in
a total body, Kick A** Workout
in an hour at Full Throttle Athletics,
compared to hitting all of the same groups,
cardio, etc in 2-3 hours at the gym!
He is convinced this is the way to go!!! :)
BJ took some footage that I will add to the blog soon!
I also met BJ at Full Throttle on Tues and Wed mornings!
I feel a little sluggish this week, so I feel
like I am not working as hard as I should be.
The GUILT has sunk in, and I am ready
to kick it in high gear tomorrow!!
I think I heard BJ say something about the SLED!!!!
Grrrrrrrr~~~ :)
I will let you know how that goes tomorrow!
As far as my progress, NO WEIGHT LOST
which is starting to REALLY upset me.
I think I have to tweak my eating even more.
Clothes are looser, muscles looking leaner, and I
am definitely getting STRONGER!! :)
Oh, and I don't think anyone sent me
good eating vibes this weekend!! :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Friday!!!

So, it's Friday!!!!
This is good, and bad!
Good because, well... It's Friday.
Bad because I SUCK at my eating plan on the weekend!! :)
So, I had a GREAT workout today! Mostly focused on
KB Extensions (I think) and Pull ups.
Worked on some swings to get ready for the snatch!!
BJ let me try it a couple times at the end!
It was SOOO much fun! I know I am a dork,
but I LOVE this stuff!
Not so much lower body since
I am running in the Paddy Dash tomorrow
to raise money for Frisco Family Services!
Oh, and my jeans are looser today!
Bow Chickawow wow!!! :)
Yes, I am happy!!!
I am dragging my husband to a boot
camp class at Full Throttle Athletics,
and I can't wait to post Monday when we
are done! It's a 5:30am class, so this will
be awesome!
I'll be bringing it Monday!!
Gotta show him who is the weaker sex! :)
So, think of me this weekend,
and send me good food vibes!
See ya next week!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Only 35 more workouts till game time!!

And I mean that in the best possible way!
Today was a kicker, and I was pretty much expecting it!
I had a lighter day yesterday, and new that it was time to work!
Here was the workout at Full Throttle Athletics:
40 Seconds Dead Lifts
40 Seconds Box Jumps
40 Seconds Squat Thrusts
40 Seconds Abs Bicycle
40 Seconds 1 Legged Bridges
40 Second of these Arm Ab things (cant remember what they are called)
repeat 4 times!!
HOLY CRAP!!! It is 35 degrees out and I
was sweating like it was 95!
I feel great!! I feel STRONG!!
I can tell that I am getting stronger in my body and mind!
I am having one of those weeks where I have been dragging,
not wanting to work out, wanting to eat crappy food!!
Everytime I leave Full Throttle I am SOOOO thankful I went,
and feel 10 times better!
It keeps me going strong!! I know that I say
it over and over and over and over again, but
for me, it is the BEST workout of my life!
But I am also one of those people that NEED to see
results, that LOVE the challenge, and crave the
pain and sweat and a great workout!!!!
I can't imagine anything better!!!!
Here is video clip of some of Tuesday's workout!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I must be getting STRONGER!!!

So, as I left today, I made the comment to BJ at Full Throttle Athletics
that I felt like I was Cheating.
His response, "WHY? You are working your A** off!"
I was thinking about this as I was
driving back to work. Why did I feel this way????
What I realized was..... I feel like I am cheating
I guess when I have always thought about the gym,
I DREADED going!
I HATED it everyday!
I truly enjoy my workout now!
It hurts, I may say some bad words,
my body may feel like it is maxed........
Today was warm ups, Kettlebell Getups, then
began a 20 minute non-stop session.
This was 10 Pushups, 10 Pull Ups, 20 Squats, 30 Kettlebell swings.
This was done over and over until my 20 minutes was up.
NO RECOVERY!!! I completed 5 rounds today!
The last minute was brutal!! :)
So, less then 7 weeks to go.
Holy Crap!!!!
Hey BJ, can I do 2 a days??!!??!!
Just kidding!!
We will get there!!
Talk to you all tomorrow!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Let the sweat fall!!

I feel like just leaving it at that today!!
Don't worry, I wont!! :)
The best thing about my work outs with BJ, is that I NEVER know
what to expect when I walk in the door!
So, for some reason I thought, It's Friday, this will probably
be a lighter day, right?
hehehehehehehehe!!!! (That's BJ while he is writing up my workout for Friday!)
Today's workout totally tested my strength mentally
and physically. I am FRUSTRATED! I had to except
a modification of an exercise!!
NOT GOOD ON THE EGO, which I was quickly told to
check at the Full Throttle Athletics door! :)
For me, this was my most challenging day yet.
I know some would think this would be discouraging, but for me it is
quite the opposite! It means my muscles and mind ARE being challenged,
Hey, if it was easy to be in amazing shape....
I just wish I had been doing this all along! I am addicted!
What's that song, " I'm so addicted to...."!! I know, I am drifting!! :)
I wish I could drag everyone I know with me for a week!
BJ & Kori at Full Throttle are so different that anything
I have ever experienced.
I could not be more serious when I say that
I will never go back to my old gym, 24 hours fitness.
I have found a Home!! :)
I know, corney!! O'well!!
I will post more video as it comes available!
2 days off..WooooHoooo!! :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday March 5th

Now, before I start, I have to say that I absolutely love my workouts! So as you read through my day to day recaps, know that it ROCKS! Don't for a minute think that it is not the best workout I have ever experienced, because it absolutely is! I am just trying to share the "experience" with you!!!! :) So, don't be afraid!!! Get over to Full Throttle Athletics and give it a shot! I posted a video at the bottom of this, so check it out!! Remember... NO LAUGHING!!
So, here is the funny thing! Just when I think it doesn't and can't get any harder, SURPRISE!!! :) Today started with warm ups... so far so good! we then moved to some dead lifts with the Kettlebell, ouch, followed by squats with the Kettlebell, ouch! The squats were pretty fun because I learned how to swing the bell from side to side!!
We then moved into our first 1,2,3 sequence! Now, here is where it gets "fun". I had to do 1 push up,correctly, then 2 of these ring lat pull ups, then run back and do 2 push ups, then 4 ring lat pull ups, then 3 push ups, and 6 lat pull ups. I then got to breath for a few seconds and started over. I did 5 rounds of this. So I have to brag and say I did ALL push up on my hands and toes!! Well, except for that last one where I was stuck on the ground. No need for applause! :)
We then moved into my second half of the workout. As BJ at Full Throttle Athletics begins to show me the next stage, I think, "sounds easy enough"!! Yea, then I start! 10 Kettle Bell Swings, followed by these squats where I have to squat until my butt is as close to the floor and my heels as possible, pick up medicine ball, stand up and extend it over my head, then pull back into the low squat and throw the ball on the ground as hard as I can 10 time. I go back and forth between these for, I can't even remember, how many times. Here is where it gets good!!!!! On the last set of those low squat things, I fell........ YES I SAID I FELL!!!! Laugh now!! Go ahead!! BUT, don't judge until you try it!! :) Once you try it, you have my permission to say whatever you want! That's my rule with my husband and my oldest son! They are not allowed to laugh or make any "weak" comments until they give it go round! Then, and only then, they have earned the right to make fun of me! Between you and I though, after one session, there will be no more jokes! :) I am pretty confident about that!!
I also met Kori today. BJ's wife, and the other owner of Full Throttle Athletics. She is not only absolutely adorable, but strong!! I have to say, one of the things I admire most in women is strength. I totally believe that strong women, emotionally and physically, are the most beautiful creatures on earth! And I don't mean like body builder looking. I mean women that when you look at them and talk with them, give off this air of "I can take on the World! I may not win, but I can take it on!"
I guess that has alot to do with why I made the decision to train at Full Throttle Athletics. as I continue to grow on who I am emotionally, I feel it is equally important to continue to work on who I am physically. I do not by any means think that being a certain size or weight has ANYTHING to do with what kind of person you are, because it most definitely does NOT! I do believe that the way you nurture your soul and body does however! For ME PERSONALLY, without a strong mind and body, there is no way I could get through some of the weeks we have in our family! I know that SO MANY of you know exactly what I mean.
So, anyway!! I really encourage you ALL to give it a shot! I even snagged a couple 2 free week passes, so let me know if you want one!!!! You could head over and try a couple of their Look Great Naked Boot Camp classes!!! :) They have them M, W & F at 5:30 and 9am, then M, W & TH at 7pm! What do you have to loose??? Except maybe some inches!! :) Just a joke!!
Check this out! This is from yesterday! The sled with the weight is 75 lbs. Notice the wind!! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 3 or REAL training at Full Throttle

HOLY CRAP!!! That's about all I can say!! For the past year, I have been pretty avid about hitting the gym 3-5 times a week for cardio and strength training!! I was on a pretty good program. I HAD NO IDEA HOW LOST I WAS!!!! :) I really thought I had it all figured out. I noticed results! Not the ones I wanted, but they were there!! Then................ I met BJ Bliffert at Full Throttle Gym. I have to say, I watched the video they had published on line, and first thought was, "that looks easy!" I have got this! So, day one of my "Walk Thru" session comes and it was tough. Not tough like, that musscle is burning I want to stop tough. Tough like, oh my GOSH, I AM WEAK!!
So... Then comes the days to follow! OUCH! I ended up at the sports store purchasing a foam roller and praying this would help me walk again!! :)
3 days pass, and I show up for my first day of real, here we go, training!! Hmmm, I thought the mini session was tough, YEAH RIGHT! :)
Then I come back for more the next day which brings us to today! I have worked out several times to the point I thought I couldn't take anymore! Well, let me tell you. I WAS WRONG!! BJ put me in my place today. He worked my body to the point where, for me in that moment, I didn't think my legs could take another step. Well, they did, and I am alive to tell you about it! here is what I KNOW FOR SURE!!! This WILL get me in the best shape of my life! I am SOOOOO EXCITED about that! If you are reading this, I am sure I sound life a walking advertisment for Full Throttle Athletics in Frisco, BUT I AM SOOOOO TELLING THE TRUTH!!!
Maybe you think, naw this girl is juts a wimp! So not true!! In my delusional training that I have done for the past year, I could spin the hell out of a spin class, out squat/lunge any girl I knew, could stairclimb like it was going to get me somewhere amazing, and plank the unplankable!! :) hey, I had to throw some dramatics in there otherwise you would get bored reading this!
So anyway, I will log my workouts and progress here daily. I have 7 1/2 weeks left of training for the Mrs. Texas USA 2009 pageant held in Ft Worth! I hope to kick some bikini A**! If so, I will head to Nationals in Vegas for a week in July to compete for Mrs. United States!! Here's to 38 more training sessions till April 26th! Wish me luck, and STRENGTH!!!