So, this week I have really just been
focusing on my strength training
and resting.
Tuesday and Thursday
Deadlifts, Squats, overhead presses, Pull Ups
and took the other days off.
My body is acting up a bit this week
so BJ felt it was best to rest and recover!
From working with BJ over the past 3 1/2
months, I know that I can really trust him
to do what is best for my health and fitness.
If he says back off, I shall obey! :)
I have, however, had one of the most
EXCITING weeks since starting at Full Throttle Athletics!!!
As you know, I am training for my first
tactical strength challenge at the end
of September.
One of the areas of competition is the Deadlift.
My goal by then is to be able to lift atleast 225lbs.
So today, BJ let me max out to see where I stand.
Our guess was about 165-170!
The great thing was that BJ did not tell
me what I was lifting until it was over.
He just kept adding, and adding, and adding!!
I hit 195, and just couldn't get it up!!
So we backed down to 185, and that is my
current MAX!!!
Up until today,the heaviest I have Deadlifted
was 135 lbs!!
Who would have thought that lifting
heavy things off the groung
could make one sooo HAPPY!! :)
I am having a blast in my training
at Full Throttle!!
I will leave you with this quote that I came
accross that I LOVE!!!!!!
"If you don't focus on your ass, no one else will!"
So get your booty in the gym!! :)
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5 years ago