Thursday, June 18, 2009

I lifted HOW MUCH???!!!!

So, this week I have really just been
focusing on my strength training
and resting.
Tuesday and Thursday
Deadlifts, Squats, overhead presses, Pull Ups
and took the other days off.
My body is acting up a bit this week
so BJ felt it was best to rest and recover!
From working with BJ over the past 3 1/2
months, I know that I can really trust him
to do what is best for my health and fitness.
If he says back off, I shall obey! :)
I have, however, had one of the most
EXCITING weeks since starting at Full Throttle Athletics!!!
As you know, I am training for my first
tactical strength challenge at the end
of September.
One of the areas of competition is the Deadlift.
My goal by then is to be able to lift atleast 225lbs.
So today, BJ let me max out to see where I stand.
Our guess was about 165-170!
The great thing was that BJ did not tell
me what I was lifting until it was over.
He just kept adding, and adding, and adding!!
I hit 195, and just couldn't get it up!!
So we backed down to 185, and that is my
current MAX!!!
Up until today,the heaviest I have Deadlifted
was 135 lbs!!
Who would have thought that lifting
heavy things off the groung
could make one sooo HAPPY!! :)
I am having a blast in my training
at Full Throttle!!
I will leave you with this quote that I came
accross that I LOVE!!!!!!
"If you don't focus on your ass, no one else will!"
So get your booty in the gym!! :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I think I can, I think I can!! :)

I am back on track and feeling strong!
If you recall in my last post,
I am not only training at Full Throttle,
but I am also learning to train someday!! :)
Both are going great!
I have helped out at two classes,
and really enjoy being on the other side!
No, not only because I get to watch others
in suffering pain as they struggle
through a Full Throttle workout!! :)
Geese!! :)
Training is going AWESOME!!
I feel my body getting stronger!
Monday's training was as follows:
15 Min. Turkish Getups with the Kettlebell
then 5 rounds of
10 pull ups
20 Kettlebell swings
30 jump squats
I think this was the first workout EVER
that I thought I was going to puke!
It looked deceivingly easier then it would turn out to be!!
Then today was my strength workout.
It was my lighter day, so I did
Deadlifts - 6 sets of 2 reps each at 115lbs
Umm, these other things where I put the 45lb bar
on my shoulders, bend at the hips with a straight back
until I felt it pulling on the hamstrings, then stand back up.
(I really need to learn the names of these things!!)
I did 5 sets of 5
Then I did an overhead press with the 45lb bar
3 sets of three, although on my last set I did 6 instead!! :)
Then rolled out all of the lovely knots with the foam roller!! :)
Like I said, an easy day!! :)
Still loving every minute of it!!
I am hoping in a couple weeks that my trainer,
BJ, will let me see where my current max is at.
My goal for Competition is 215lb deadlift!
Seems a little scary!!
I posted some video of Kori and I doing squats last Thursday
before I helped out with the 7pm class!!
For those of you who don't know me,
I am in the Black Shorts and Pink Top and
Kori is in the GreyShirt Blue Shorts.
6am tomorrow morning!!
Grrrr.. I am SOOOO not a morning person!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Full Throttle, 2 days in a row.... THANK GOD!! :)

Last night was a blast at Full Throttle!!
I got in my strength training at 5:30.
Deadlifts, Squats, Pullups,
Then "helped" BJ and Kori with the 7pm class!!
Strength training went great!!
I could tell in I had been out of the Gym
for a couple days though!
That's all right!!
It will all come back fast! :)
I was a little nervous about helping out with the
7pm class, but it was alot of fun,
and I learned alot!
Kelly, my husband, was there so I got
to razz him a little! :)
I noticed how much more
I am learning about my own workouts
my observing others!! :)
This mornings workout was Kick A**!! :)
We did 10 push ups
20 squats
10 Kettlebell pull up swing things (forgot what they are called!!)
then ran to the road and back. Like a 60 second run
We did this as many times as possible on
20 minutes!
Got Six rounds and a couple extra pushups in!
My biggest excitement today was that
I walked away with a personal best!
60 Push Ups, from my TOES
All the way down, all the way up!! :)
This is pretty awesome for me
because when I started I think I could do like 5!!! :)
So glad to be back after a few days off with
I didn't realize just how much I missed
my workouts, buddies, trainers, and the whole
Full Throttle atmosphere until today! :)
Hope to have some new video soon!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's been a while!! :)

Yes, I know it has been a while!!
My youngest had his tonsils out,
and holy life halt!!
It seemed like my life
was turned upside down!! :)
Hoping we are on our way to better days,
and a healthier little boy!
So, along with getting back on track with my workouts,
I am SOOOO EXCITED that I start
Training to Train tonight!!
My trainer, BJ, is going to begin training
me to take over some classes in the near future at
Full Throttle Athletics , when I am ready!
It's funny because when I began working out
with BJ a few months ago,
I had NO idea that I would fall so much in
love with my workouts that I would want
to start training others as well!!
I really think that this is something I can
see myself doing full time someday!
If that worked out!
I would obviously have to be good at it,
and BJ and Kori would have to agree! :)
It is so great to know that I could help others
achieve their goals!!
What an amazing thing!
So, wish me luck tonight as I head into
my first training class!!
I will actually be there with BJ
helping through the 7pm class!
If you have thought about coming out to
Full Throttlebefore, but weren't sure,
this is just ANOTHER reason why you should!!
I could be there kickin your ass into gear!! :)
You would have a friendly face to help you out! :)
Hope you all atleast come check it out someday!
You will be SOOOOO GLAD that you did!!
I will also post on my blogs what days I will be there
helping to train if you want to stop by
and try it out!! :)