Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's GAME TIME!!!!

So, I had my Final pre-competition
work out today!!!!
This is it! I have worked my
A** off, and it's Game Time!
I walked away today knowing that there
is nothing more I could have done!!
It was honestly a little emotional!!
I am proud of where I am, and
owe BJ and Kori at Full Throttle Athletics
more then they can ever know!!
You know, I was thinking back to being
a teenager and having that confidence
in my looks and my ability to take on the world!
I think that as women, wives, and moms, we tend to loose that
along the way.
Not intentionally, we just stop nurturing that
part of who we are!
I feel like not only have I regained that
confidence, I have it back
10 fold!!
Knowing that my health, my strength,
and yes I will say it, my sexiness is in
my hands is empowering!
AND to know that I am a wife, a mom,
a businesswomen, and a community advocate
makes it all that more rewarding!
I DID have to work my BUTT off,
and I had to fit it in where I could,
but I made the choice to do so!
I set my priorities, I set my goals,
and here I am!
I have made myself this one promise today!
I will walk out with my head high,
proud of who I am, proud of the life
I have built for my children,
proud of my marriage,
proud of the support I give
to my community,
proud of my career and where I have come,
and proud of this body!!!!
Yes, I have flaws, but what the hell!!! :)
I have switched gears from striving for
perfection, to striving for a healthy, happy,
balanced, fulfilling life!
What a difference that has made!!
And hey, my husband finds me HOT!!!
What else can I ask for!??!!
So all of you that have lost that
strut your stuff confidence, it's still there!!
I promise! You just need to nurture
it with some butt kicking at Full Throttle Athletics
to help you dig it out and dust it off!!
So, WISH ME LUCK this weekend!!
I will be back to report how things went on Monday!! :)


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's the final countdown!!!! 2 More days!!!

2 More workouts mean
2 more days until I head to Ft. Worth
to compete for Mrs. Texas USA 2009!!!
Holy crap! :)
So, here is where I am!!
My mind, soul, health, and body
is at the BEST place it has EVER been!!!
I absolutely owe it ALL to BJ at Full Throttle Athletics!!!
Because of the knowledge he and Kori have
on how to correctly train your body
they are able to
completely transform you into this
strong and healthy person.
When your body is strong and healthy,
your mind is at it's best, and your soul
is happy and at peace!
Never underestimate the power of taking
care of your body!
It does amazing things for your complete
outlook on life!! It pushes you to continuously
challenge yourself in other aspects of your daily life
and creates an outlook that you can truly accomplish
the goals you set before you!
For those of you who know me,
you know that I have always been into fitness
in one way or the other.
I have always been open to trying new things
in the hopes of finding that thing that just clicked!!
I am thankful that part of my personality is that
of someone who is always open to learning new things,
and putting myself in new situations! Otherwise, I would
still be doing the same, boring, non-effective
workouts that I have been doing for the past two years!
Now, I am not knocking any of the other workouts,
gyms, or training methods! I am sure that they
work for some people! And when I was doing them,
I was at a level of health that I THOUGHT I was
ok with!
For me though, I now know there is a
far higher level of health and strength
that I am on my way to
QUICKLY achieving!!!
I know that I am always saying,
"You have to try Full Throttle Athletics",
and you probably think I am a walking
advertisement, but the HONEST truth
is that this is the first thing that has truly
EXCITED me in the workout world!!!
I know that so many of you work your
butts of in the gym like I used too!!
All I am saying is if you could get DOUBLE
the results in HALF the time,
You can go to the Full Throttle Athletics web site
and download a 2 WEEK FREE PASS!!!
So, you can even try it out to see what you
think before making any long term commitment!!
Go on......... I DARE YOU!!!! :)
Here are a couple videos of the 6am
bootcamp that they run! Enjoy!! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4 more workouts and getting sick! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

You know, I always say that lives challenges
are what make us better people! :)
Not that this is a huge ordeal,
but getting sick this week just wasn't in the plan! :)
It's funny, because I feel like all of my
thoughts on life and balancing it are
being tested!! :)
I understand that things don't go as planned,
and that we can never perfect our situation.
We have to adapt and make it work to our advantage!
In hindsight, I should have done more of the
preparation for the pageant instead of thinking
I could get it done this week!!
See, I am already learning
and growing from this!! :)
(positive thinking Jen, positive thinking! :) )
Enough venting!!! :) Let's talk about my workouts this week!:)
So, yesterday I overslept and missed my 6am class!
Boy, did that create chaos in my perfectly planned
schedule for the week! :)
BJ at Full Throttle Athletics was so sweet
to let me come at 5:30pm, WITH BRODY!! :)
Oh Boy!!
So, Brody had a great time!!
Pulling everything off the racks, jumping on the boxes,
playing with the Kettlebells.......
I can tell you that is was NOT easy to concentrate! :)
He ended up pinching his fingers on between the concrete and the bells.
The screaming started, and my workout halted!!!
On top of the Brody interference, my chest was burning,
and I was having a hard time catching my breath!
Which I now know is because I am SICK!!!!
This is supposed to be my SUPER KICK BUTT week!
So, keep your fingers crossed!!! I will get through it,
I will readjust accordingly, and make it work to my advantage!!
Can I get an AMEN!!??!!?? :) J/K
4 more days till competition time!!!! WoooHoooo!!! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

BIG CLOTHES - A double edge sword!!!

Have you ever had this happen???
About 12 weeks ago, I realized that
I needed some dress clothes!
I have the luxury of dressing VERY CASUAL
at work, so don't need them that often!
But, needed them from time to time
for meetings.
So, bought my dress clothes....
I was proud that all the pants were a 2 or a 4,
and hung them in my closet until I needed them.
WELL...... Today I needed them.
I laid out my clothes last night for today.
Got up, got ready, then went to get dressed!
I put the shirt on..... so far so good,
then went to put the belt on around my
waist for that slimming, trendy look.
The belt fell down!
I literally messed with it for about 5 minutes
thinking that I must be doing something wrong.
I have worn this belt several times.
Then I realized.... my BODY IS SMALLER.
So then, I put on my dress shorts, size 4.
So, I tuck the shirt into the shorts, put another belt
around my waist, and decided this would have to do.
The whole way to work, I was sooooooooo
upset that all of these new clothes were too big!!!
Then it dawned on me,
they are not TOO BIG.............
I am just AWESOMELY SMALL!!!! (not sure if awesomely is a word!!)
So yes, I will have to take all of these
clothes in to get them taken in,
and yes that kind of sucks!
But the fact that they must be altered because
I have COMPLETELY transformed myself
into a leaner, stronger, healthier person
You have got to try the Boot Camp at
Full Throttle Athletics!!!
Your clothes might all fall off,
but you'll look hot this summer swimsuit season!!!
Here is a video of me doing a Kettlebell swing!!
AWESOME for your BUTT!!! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

OMG.. Only 9 workouts left!!!

So, Only 9 workouts left till competition!!



while the other part wants

8 more weeks!!! :)

I think at this point, I have to

be proud of what I have done,

get on that stage and OWN IT!!!

I know that in two weeks, I

can still make some big changes in

my body, but

I also think I am just going to have

to accept some of my flaws!! :)

I was looking at some video from my first day

at Full Throttle Athletics ,

and where I am today and was just BLOWN AWAY!!

The transformation has been amazing!

I have always worked out, so am still

in AWWEE over what BJ has done in just 6 weeks!!!

AMAZING!!! I am so thankful for the

work and encouragement I get from BJ and Kori!!

I always thought that a trainer had to yell

at you and be mean to get you to push harder!!

NOT TRUE!!! BJ does not by any means let

me sell myself short, but he does it in an

encouraging, self motivating way!!

He gets in my head to make ME push myself to the limits! :)

Well, I am getting ready to head to the gym.

A little nervous today since it's Monday!!

Need to get a butt kicking workout in today! :)

Check out this video from last week!! :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Boot Camp Happy Hour Rocked!!!

So, last night we had a Boot Camp Happy Hour
at Full Throttle Athletics!!!
It was the first time that I had
worked out in a Group setting
since hooking up with BJ and Kori.
It is a lot of fun to be in that setting with
a bunch of friends!!
A little competition is good for you! :)
We did a full Boot Camp workout,
followed by some sled dragging!
(My idea on the sleds!!!) Had to make sure
they all had the complete
Full Throttle Experience!!
I did not want them to feel cheated in any way!! :)
It seems like everyone totally loved it!!
Lots of sweat!! We all walked away
KNOWING we worked out A** off!!
BJ is working on some film footage,
and I will post as soon as it is available!
In the meantime, are you up for the
Full Throttle Challenge??!!??!!
I totally encourage ANYONE that is looking
to get in shape, or get in better shape to
give it a shot!!
By the way... only 11 more workouts till
competition time!!!
My oh my how time flies!!! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

3 weeks and counting!!!

As of today, I have 3 weeks,
and 13 more workouts until COMPETITION TIME!!!
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!
It doesn't sound like alot of time,
but when I think about it,
it is!
I see what I have accomplished in 5 weeks
since meeting BJ at
Full Throttle Athletics for the first time.
STRENGTH is all I can think of!
It is really time to fine tune
Kelly and I went to a national Strength Competition
that was held at Full Throttle Athletics on Saturday!
Just to observe, this time!! :)
It was pretty cool to see the strength!
Next one is in September, and I AM THERE!!!
Kelly started today at the 9am bootcamp,
and LOVES it!!
I am having a Ladies only Boot Camp Happy Hour
tomorrow at 7pm. It should be alot of fun!!
I can not wait to give my girlfriends a taste of
My guess is that they will be hooked after tomorrow night!!
I'll post on that Wednesday, along with some pics and video!!!